In a creative rut? Try a little noise, alcohol & napping

boxed-1309358-1280x960In a creative rut?

You’re not alone. Ad Age reports that 75 percent of us believe we’re not as creative as we could be. Why?

Data show the majority of us say that employers’ focus on productivity limits our ability to be creative. But that’s only part of the story. It’s also the way we live and work.

There’s a reason Google and Pixar didn’t go with the traditional flourescent-lit boxy cubes. And there’s a reason (or two) Ernest Hemingway drank a lot.

Creativity is one of those things that comes from within but can be drawn out with the help of external factors like our environment, what we eat and drink and what we do every day.

10 ways to reclaim your creative mojo

If you’ve ever found yourself just staring at the hypnotic blinking cursor on a bright, white screen, you may not be sleeping enough—or drinking enough.

Here are 10 things you can try to break up the creative block:

1. A little noise goes a long way

There’s a reason why the coffee shop has become the satellite office. Contrary to a longheld belief that you need to be confined to a silent workspace to be most productive, ambient noise  (mid-level background noise), such as that in a coffee shop, is better.

I once worked in an office environment that piped in white noise. We hadn’t really thought much of it until the day it had to be shut down for repair. Rather than a welcoming silence, the absolute absence of noise was astonishingly distracting.

The key is finding the right balance of noise. Too much noise—ringing phones, constant chatter, co-workers interrupting your work with a play-by-play of last night’s game or their kid’s soccer match—is just as disruptive as complete silence. The sweet spot is somewhere in between.

2. Stare out the window

on-green-1362995Contrary to what you may have been told by your third-grade teacher, daydreaming is a surprisingly productive use of your of time.

Some of my best revelations came during my 45-minute commute, staring at the tiles in the shower or out the window in an office that overlooked a daycare playground.

Bored at work? That can actually help, according to studies that have shown boredom frees up your mind to daydream.

3. Don’t separate work from play

Why do we do that? The old adage “work hard, play hard” doesn’t mean you work hard over in this part of your life, then play hard in another. They should be one in the same.

Sure, we get office envy from those who work in spaces defined by slides, video games, hammocks and pods (thanks, Google), but there are other ways to bring play into your work.

I once worked in a newsroom where we used cheap Nerf guns, among other things, to blow off steam. While, many times, it felt more like a frat house than a workplace, it was also a hub of creativity.

Rather than penalized for it, “goofing off” was part of our work responsibilities because it made us more creative writers.

At some point, corporate America came to the notion that having fun meant you weren’t actually “working.” Then, the tide and philosophies turned and managers tried to reinfuse, and sometimes schedule, “fun” activities (aka “forced fun”) into the workplace. It just doesn’t work very well that way. Having fun is an organic process, rather than an agenda item.

4. Turn down the lights

Being in the dark isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The typical flourescent lighting in an office isn’t just providing a harsh blue hue, it could be killing your ideas. Dim lighting does more than create a low-key vibe, it can also boost creativity.

Why? Because it apparently “elicits a feeling of freedom, self-determination, and reduced inhibition.”

beer-13243765. Pop a cork or brewski

I wouldn’t want Ernest Hemingway to drive me home, but he was onto something when he went on a bender. That’s because alcohol helps broaden our “imaginary horizons.”

To you cynics, I’m not throwing this one in because I grew up in Wisconsin. Sure, I had a stash of Miller Lite (don’t judge) in my desk while an editor at my college newspaper.

But I’ve also worked on a team that had some of its best insights after work over a pitcher of beer and plate of totchos.

Alcohol impedes our memory and ability to concentrate on tasks, which is why you don’t want to drink and drive. At the same time, however, it helps loosen up our minds to wander more freely.

While you wouldn’t go this route while filing taxes, it does have its merits when trying to break down inhibitions and find creative solutions. Or, as Ernest Hemingway said, “Write drunk, edit sober.”

6. Eat this, not that

OK, I’ll state the obvious. Garbage in, garbage out. That’s why it’s hard to come near an egg McMuffin and hash brown square, a breakfast perfectly manufactured to addict us to its smell alone.

But then there’s that processed food-induced stupor after eating it.

You can actually eat your way into creativity by trying some of these foods:

  • Complex carbs (to keep glucose streaming through your brain all day long): whole grains, quinoa, oats, etc.
  • Fatty acids: chia seeds, walnuts, avocados, coconut oil, etc.
  • Berries
  • Green veggies like kale, broccoli, spinach
  • Green tea
  • Dark chocolate (helps boost blood circulation to the brain for up to 3 hours)
  • Proteins like eggs, chicken (high in protein and tyrosine, which helps produce dopamine, which helps keep you alert)

Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food who spoke of this in the documentary “Food, Inc.,” puts it simply:

  1. Eat “real” food, as opposed to “food-like substances”
  2. Not too much
  3. Mostly plants

7. Surround yourself in blue

Can a color really affect how you think?

It comes down to red vs. blue. Computer screens with a red background, for instance, boost performance on analytical tasks like memory retrieval and proofreading. Blue computer screens, on the other hand, improve your ability to complete creative tasks.

Researchers theorize that red unconsciously motivates us to think more deliberately and analytically because it’s associated with things like stop signs, emergency vehicles and danger.

In contrast, blue is associated with the sky, ocean and peace and tranquility —things that influence a more free-flowing and exploratory mindset.

8. Raise the roof

Higher ceilings promote higher creativity, according to a University of Minnesota study.

In contrast, working in rooms with lower ceilings give you a sense of confinement, helping you focus on details.

So, if your work revolves around spreadsheets, do it in a low-ceiling red room. But if you’re writing or coming up with the next big idea, a high-ceiling blue room would be your best bet.

9. Put down the coffee and take a nap

napThere’s a reason why toddlers have wild imaginations. And it involves just shutting down at least once a day.

Dr. Sara C. Mednick, author of “Take a Nap! Change Your Life” and assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Riverside, found that napping boosts your creativity.

10. Take a hike (or at least a walk)

But napping during the day isn’t always practical. Alternatively, you could go for a walk.

A 2012 study found that after only four days of immersion in nature, a group of hikers showed a 50% improvement in their cognitive functions related to creativity and problem solving.

The results were even moreso when they coupled the walk with turning off their phones.

Unplug and take a 10-15-minute walk outside each day without texting, talking on the phone, surfing, checking your social channels. Seriously, your buddy’s political rant or sister’s selfie isn’t that urgent.

How do you do it?

What’s your secret to breaking out of a creative rut? Exercise? Cat videos? Please share yours.

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